High Knees
Exercise Animation
Exercise Details
Muscle Focus
Primary Muscles
Secondary Muscles
abscalvesgluteshamstringslower back
- 1.Stand straight with legs hip width apart.
- 2.At a continuous pace, lift one knee then the other as high as you can towards your belly. Swing your arms, as if you’re running on the spot.
- Look straight ahead keeping your chest raised.
- Slow it down to get a good warm-up before moving on to other exercises. Or speed it up to get your heart pumping fast and do some cardio training.
- Bounce on your toes but flatten your foot against the ground before lifting off with it.
- Try to keep your footfalls as quiet and gentle as you can, it will help protect your knees as well as make sure you’re engaging the right muscles.
- Bring your legs to at least a 90 degree angle, if you can.
Breathing Instructions
1. Breathe steadily, as if you’re running. 2. Aim for 2 second inhale, 2 second exhale. 3. Or find a variation that suits you – just keep your breaths evenly spaced and make sure you don’t hold your breath!
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