Starfish Crunch
Exercise Animation
Exercise Details
Muscle Focus
Primary Muscles
Secondary Muscles
- 1.Lay flat on your back on the floor with your legs extended (heels in contact with the floor) and your arms straight above your head (palms facing the ceiling). Your legs should be spread slightly, so that your feet are wider than shoulder width apart and your arms the same so that your hands are wider than shoulder width apart. Your body should form the rough shape of a starfish. This is the starting position.
- 2.Keeping your arm straight, raise your right shoulder away from the floor. As you do so, raise you left heel away from the floor towards the ceiling and diagonally across your body (by internally rotating at the left hip) to meet your right hand. Keep your leg as straight as your hamstring flexibility will allow.
- 3.When you make contact between your right hand and your left foot (around the ankle), lower back towards the starting position.
- 4.Repeat the movement outline above but with the opposite arm and leg.
- 5.The act of raising your right hand to meet your left leg, and your left hand to meet your right leg, is equal to one repetition. Repeat for as many reps as necessary.
- Be sure to keep the shoulder of the arm that is not working, and the hip of the leg which is not working. in contact with the floor throughout the movement.
- As with any core exercise, it is vitally important that your continue to breathe throughout the movement. DO NOT HOLD YOUR BREATH!
Breathing Instructions
1. Inhale as you raise your opposite shoulder and heel from the floor and perform a rotating crunch as you do so. 2. Exhale as you lower your shoulder and heel slowly back to the floor and the starting position.
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