Side Plank Rotation With Kicks

Exercise Animation

Exercise Details







Muscle Focus

Primary Muscles
Secondary Muscles


  1. 1.Start in plank with your hips slightly raised and your core engaged.
  2. 2.Begin by lifting your left leg and bringing it under your body to your right side, bending it slightly.
  3. 3.Roll your body to the right and lift your right arm off the floor so you’re balancing on your left arm and right leg in a side plank. Bring your right arm down to meet your left foot as you kick up to about hip height (or wherever you can get it).
  4. 4.Return to plank position.
  5. 5.Repeat on the opposite side.


  • Keep your standing leg and arm as straight as possible.
  • Avoid rounding your back or dropping low as your foot and hand approach.
  • Keep your body elevated by pushing through the floor with your hands and feet.
  • Lift your hips slightly to allow your leg to get under your body and give you space to rotate.
  • Stay strong through the neck, in a neutral position so you don’t end up straining.
  • Engage your core throughout the movement.

Breathing Instructions

1. Exhale as you kick your leg through. 2. Inhale as your return your foot to the floor. 3. Keep your breathing deep and steady.

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