Alternating Power Lunges

Exercise Animation

Exercise Details







Muscle Focus

Primary Muscles
Secondary Muscles
calveshamstringslower backobliquesquadricepsadductor


  1. 1.Stand with feet hip width apart and step back into a lunge keeping your feet shoulder width apart.
  2. 2.Swing your back leg forward as you jump straight up with your front leg. Land on your front leg, step back into your lunge.
  3. 3.Perform on opposite side and repeat for required reps.


  • Try keeping a fast pace to get your heart rate up and add some cardio.
  • If you’re having trouble keeping your balance in the lunge your feet may be too close together. Widen your stance.
  • Keep your knees tracking straight, try to avoid tipping them outwards or inwards – especially on the jump!
  • Swing your arms to help stabilise you and propel you into the jump.

Breathing Instructions

1. Inhale in your lunge. 2. Exhale as you jump. 3. If you’re increasing the pace, breathe naturally and deeply. 4. Remember not to hold your breath.

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